My Story

Hi, I am very happy to welcome you to my personal website.

I’d like to tell you a short and very private story about myself – who I am, what I do and something about my drive.


My life cannot be summarised in a standard CV. Rather, it took place in four phases.

Phase 1: Passivity
Phase 2: Upset
Phase 3: Everything is possible
Phase 4: Create

Upon closer examination, I noticed that each change in these four phases fits the cash flow quadrant quite precisely:

1. worker
2. self-employed
3. entrepreneur
4. investor

The feedback from the readers got better and better and the applause louder and louder.

Andreas Malkow


Just a few years ago, my life consisted of passive participation in this.


I was able to live out most of my childhood curiosity in the profession of cooking.


As a well-known chef once said about the profession: “Cooking is like giving a rock concert – because shortly afterwards you either get applauded or booed”.


I enjoyed the applause more, although there were boos too….


In this profession I also discovered my creative side, which is still with me today.


With the advent of the Internet 2.0 around 2008, I tried to satisfy my curiosity in this place. Initially as a consumer, then gradually as a creator and entrepreneur.


I was fascinated by it! The internet appeared to me as a place of unlimited possibilities.


The first entrepreneurial activity began in 2013 during my studies, when a friend at the time explained to me the possibilities of link sales. Since I didn’t own any websites, I became a reseller and earned my first money that way. I didn’t see a long-term perspective in this activity and changed my focus.


I invested all my money in smartphone spare parts, which I sold on Ebay. After a very short time, I became a power seller. Amazon FBA and my own online shop followed shortly after. Everything was up and running.


And that was it again: “the feeling of unlimited possibilities”.


The economic success came relatively quickly, the only thing I was missing was the applause.


At that time, the only applause came from a small website that I created as a sideline as a buyer’s guide for beamers. The website visitors liked what I wrote and helped them to make a better buying decision. And so I decided to change my focus again.


I shut down Amazon and Ebay and started to create my own websites with buying guides.


Curiosity, creativity and diligence helped me to create some well-visited websites that gave me personally exactly what I was looking for: “to deliver added value”.


Over time, I was able to monetise the websites better and better, so that the conversions increased as a positive side effect.


The feedback from the readers got better and better and the applause louder and louder.



It wasn’t long before I was approached by friends and family about acquiring cash-flowing websites for them so that they too could enjoy passive income.


Unfortunately, I dismissed this idea as I considered the risk of failure to be unmanageable.


In 2020, the time had come. I took out a small interest-bearing loan from friends and bought some online projects. I left the responsibility and control with me, so the risk for the investors was close to zero. Everything went perfectly and I became an investor, as I no longer created websites myself, but expanded my portfolio through acquisitions.


In 2021, I decided to leave Germany and chose Cyprus as my new home, as Cyprus offers me significantly more opportunities.


Therefore, in 2021 I liquidated my entire portfolio, sold all online projects and paid off the investors.


Since 2022, I have been living and working with my family in Cyprus, where I build and buy websites for our online publishing company “MLK Digital” together with my team.


Furthermore, with “MLK Capital” I offer “Friends & Family” investors the opportunity to participate in profitable online projects and generate interest income.


How do we start?


“How do we get together and what do I get out of it?” You may ask yourself….


Well, we have three options!


  1. You run a website and would like to sell it to us? Then you should not hesitate to contact us today by e-mail or contact form.
  2. Would you like to join the circle of “Friends & Family” investors? Then sign up here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
  3. Let’s just stay friends and connect via Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram.


No matter which option works for you. Basically, we share the vision of “Own the Internet” right now. So don’t hesitate to get active!